Reginald D. Archambault redigerede bogen
"John Dewey on education. Selected writings"
Udgivet af forlaget Random House, The Modern Library, New York 1964
439 sider
- acknowledgements
- preface
- introduction
Redaktøren er opdelt de 27 tekster skrevet af John Dewey i 7 hovedafsnit
- philosophy and education
- ethics and education
- aestethics and education
- science and education
- psychology and education
- society and education
- principles of pedagogy
Nogle af Deweys mange begreber i de 27 tekster:
- actions
- affective thoughts
- aims
- american education and culture
- art
- attitudes
- basis for education
- capacities
- character
- child's own nature
- community life
- consciousness
- conduct
- consolidated wealth of ideas and emotions - summed up in language (s.428)
- control of action
- culture
- curriculum
- development of the child's poeers and interest
- education as - a social process, a process of living (s.430) and a continuing reconstruction of experience (s. 434)
- educational aim
- educational confusion
- educational process - two sides: psychological and sociological
- educator
- emotions
- ends
- ends-mean
- ethical results
- examinations (s.432)
- experience
- expression comes before conscious impression
- feelings and emotions
- formal and technical education
- freedom
- funded capital of civilization (s.427)
- habits
- human action
- human conduct
- human experience
- human nature
- human powers
- humanity
- ideas (intellectual and rational processes)
- individualistic ideals
- intellectual and moral resources
- knowledge
- knowledge of social conditions
- language is the device for communication (s.434)
- laws
- logic of growth
- member of a unity
- nature of method
- obligations
- observation of interests
- participation of the individual
- passive, receptive, or absorbing attitude
- pedagogic creed
- possibilities
- power of imagery
- powers of judgment
- process of education and goal of education are one and the same thing (s.434)
- product
- prophet of the true God
- progressive organization of subject-matter
- reflective activity
- reforms
- resources of time, attention, and money
- responses to activities
- right living
- school - a social institution - and a form of community life
- school conditions
- school curriculum
- science - is of value because it gives the ability to interpret and control the experience already had (s.434)
- scientific resources
- secondary education
- social consciousness
- social growth
- social individual
- social institution
- social life
- social order
- social organism
- social progress and reform
- social reconstruction
- social science
- social servant
- social terms
- socialistic ideals
- society - "an organic union of individuals" (s.429)
- subject matter
- teacher
- thoughts
- training of individuals
- training of the will
- transformed
- "true education comes through the stimulation of the children's powersby the demands of the social situations in which he finds himself" (s.427)
- unconscious education
- value - reflected back into them
- waste of time
- welfare of the group to which he belongs
- will
John Dewey er en vigtig inspirationskilde og pioner når det handler om undervisning som en praktisk erfaringsopbygning (learning by doing)
Læs også om erfaringsbaseret undervisning
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