
David A Kolb 1984

Page history last edited by Jesper Buchholdt Gjørup 1 year, 8 months ago

David A Kolb:

Experiential learning

Prentice Hall 1984


256 sider

  • foreword skrevet af Warren Bennis
  • preface
  • 3 dele (parts) med i alt 8 chapters/kapitler

Part I : Experience and learning (kapitel 1 og 2)

Part II: The structure of learning and knowledge (kapitel 3-5)

Part III: Learning and development (kapitel 6-8)

  • Bibliography
  • Index



  1. the foundation of contemporary approaches to experiential learning
  2. the process of experiential learning
  3. structural foundations of the learning process
  4. individuality in learning and the concept of learning styles
  5. the structure of knowledge
  6. the experiential learning theory of development 
  7. learning and developmen in higher education
  8. lifelon learning and integrative development 


Nogle af bogens engelske/amerikanske begreber:

  1. abstract conceptualization
  2. academic performance
  3. accentuation
  4. accommodation
  5. accommodative knowledge
  6. accommodative learning
  7. acquisition 
  8. action
  9. active experimentation 
  10. adaptation
  11. adaptive flexibility
  12. analytic 
  13. apprehension
  14. assimilation
  15. basic adaptive processes 
  16. basic learning styles 
  17. behavior 
  18. carreer adaption
  19. carreer development
  20. cognitive development
  21. competence
  22. comprehension
  23. concrete experience
  24. conflict
  25. conscienceness 
  26. contextualism
  27. convergence
  28. courage 
  29. curriculum
  30. development
  31. dialectic
  32. differentiation 
  33. divergence
  34. double loop learning
  35. education 
  36. epistomology
  37. experience 
  38. experiential learning
  39. extention
  40. fact 
  41. feedback
  42. higher education
  43. holism
  44. humanities
  45. imitation
  46. individuality
  47. induction
  48. inquiry
  49. integration 
  50. integrative development
  51. integrative knowledge 
  52. integrity
  53. intention
  54. intuition 
  55. justice 
  56. knowing
  57. knowledge
  58. laboratory training 
  59. learning 
  60. learning environment
  61. learning styrles 
  62. learning process 
  63. lifelong learning
  64. living systems of inquiry
  65. management
  66. meaning 
  67. mechanism 
  68. organization development 
  69. peer group
  70. perception
  71. performance
  72. practical problems 
  73. praxis
  74. prehension
  75. problem solving
  76. process 
  77. professional education
  78. profession of social work 
  79. psychological types
  80. reflective observation 
  81. relevance 
  82. science-based professions 
  83. self-directed learning
  84. socialization
  85. social knowledge 
  86. social professions
  87. social work 
  88. social workers
  89. specialization
  90. specialized development
  91. structural foundations 
  92. structure 
  93. structure of knowledge 
  94. symbolic complexity
  95. synthesis
  96. transformation 
  97. values
  98. virtue
  99. wisdom 
  100. work abilities index
  101. zone of proximal development 


Nogle af bogens mange referencer er:

  1. Anthony Biglan
  4. Carl Jung
  5. Chris Argyris 
  6. Immanuel kant 
  7. Jane Loevinger 
  8. Jean Piaget 
  9. Jerome Brune 
  10. John Dewey 
  11. Kurt Lewin
  12. Mark Plownick 
  13. Niels Bohr 
  14. Stephen Pepper 
  15. Urie Bronfenbrenner
  17. William Perry 


Bogen er en klassiker, som indeholder en syntese af læringsteori.

Er blandt andet en reference for Sune Sparre og Vibeke Damlund 2018




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